
Cheap wooden door by viewing the model and price of buying

The price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors in Tida Decor store is up to date. These products are produced from natural wood materials, which usually use beech, walnut, maple, Russian, etc. These products can be produced for internal and entrance doors and are also used in anti-theft models, but since these products are luxury and expensive, you can see them mostly in the houses of the rich and old houses. We suggest that you read the article about the interior door (room) to learn more about the concepts of this page. Learn more about the benefits of this product.

1- These doors are painted with wood color, which gives them a luxurious look

2 - They have high impact resistance

3- These products have a long lifespan of nearly 100 years

Sale price of cheap wooden door

The price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors is directly related to the material used in production. The most dominant material in determining the production cost of these products is the type of wood used, and the amount of wood used and its diameter are also influential in the production cost of these products. So, when you intend to place an order for these products, be sure to ask the production workshop what kind of wood is used in the production and the diameter of the wood used, and the next point is the density of wood used in the production of these products, which all These issues affect the final price of the product.

The next important point in the price of buying and selling a cheap wooden door is the color type and material. As you know, we have colors from Turkey, Germany and China in addition to Iranian products available in the market. All these products have different prices that affect the cost of production. In this article, we have tried to familiarize you with some of the reasons for the influence of color on the production cost, so we suggest that you accompany us to the end of this article with a little patience so that you may be able to find answers to some of your questions. .

The price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors

Details of buying a wooden door

Thickness: 8 mil and can be produced in customized dimensions

Rank: They are painted by the painter

Color: limited color

Design: With a variety of prominent designs

Now, after familiarizing yourself with the specifications of the cheap wooden door, we suggest that you view its color scheme and choose your favorite design and color. Just note that this product is sold with a five-year warranty from Tida Decor, so you don't have to worry. Do not be its quality. The purchase price of these products is in our online store.

View cheap wooden door colors

Click on one of the pictures to see pictures of cheap wooden doors in full screen. To see the sale and purchase price of this product, please refer to Tida Decor online store.

Buying and selling cheap wooden doors

Tip 1: To see pictures of cheap wooden doors in full screen, just click on the picture and see the picture in full screen on your mobile phone or personal computer. Some customers insist that the pictures be sent to them. We inform those customers that the pictures on the site are industrial and the natural color of the product, but the pictures taken with a mobile phone are from the sample and It will be sent from different angles due to the light radiation, it will have a different color, and in these cases, the consequences of the purchase are the responsibility of the customer, and Tida Decor Company has no responsibility in this regard.

Second point: To place an order for this product, you can click on the Telegram and WhatsApp icon and inquire about the price and stock directly from our sales unit and make a purchase.

Third point: Dear customers in the cities, please pay attention to contact our experts in the sales unit to get the sales agency of the wooden door.

The reasons for the difference in the price of wooden doors

The most important reason for the difference in the price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors, as we mentioned, is the type of wood and the diameter of the wood used. As you have heard, beech wood is the most widely used material in the production of these products, so why is the price of a door model made of beech wood with the same diameter different in two stores? In answer to this question, we have to say that the drier the wood is, the better it is, so the wood that has been dried three times means that it has been spent three times to dry the wood, naturally it will be better and more expensive than wood that has not been dried at all. And the dryer has gone once or twice.

The next reason for the difference in the price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors, as we mentioned before, is the type of paint used and the skill of the painter. Basically, an experienced and expert painter in the field of painting receives a higher fee than a beginner painter, and since the color of these products is very difficult, we cooperate with the most expert painters in this industry in the Tida Decor collection. naturally, a significant part of the price of our wooden products is the color of the work, because it forms the main appearance of the work after the color is produced, and we will never compromise in this field due to the quality of our work, and at the insistence of our customers, We will not use cheap paint and cheap painters.

Advantages and disadvantages of these products

The most important advantage of the cheap wooden door is the long life of these products, and also the purchase and sale of these products is done both as an entrance door and as an interior door, and due to the variety of materials used in production, they are available at a variety of prices. And another advantage of these products is when they are made with Russian wood, they find the possibility to be resistant to termites, because Russian wood gives a bitter smell and termites do not approach it. Another advantage is the use of these products as lobby doors and villas, which increase the security and beauty of the installed place.

One of the most important disadvantages of cheap wooden doors is their price, which has caused them to be bought and sold less than other construction doors. Usually, the basis for calculating the price of doors is in terms of slabs, but these products are priced by the meter, because the wood used for production is also bought by the meter. So, note that there are no standard dimensions in the production of these products and they are custom-made according to your dimensions. So, as we said, the only disadvantages of these products are their prices.

Issues affecting the selling price of wooden doors

In this article, we mentioned the issues that affect the price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors, but here we are going to talk about these issues in a little more detail. For example, these products with beech wood material are the most expensive models, but in general, these products can be produced with the same quality as beech wood with walnut, maple, and pine wood, to which we can also use oak wood. We should add that almost all of these materials are of good quality and the difference is in the natural grain of the wood and their price, but in the construction door products, the type and model of the wood will not have much effect on the quality.

We have talked about the effect of color on the price of buying and selling cheap wooden doors, but here we are going to talk about the type of polishing paint. Please note that polished paint is the most luxurious paint available in the market. The painting method is that several layers of paint are applied to the door, and after each layer of paint, the door must be sanded to make it shiny. You will find that it has a surface completely similar to a mirror and you can see the shine of your door and note that when you come across these doors, do not doubt that they have a polished color.

Advantages of buying wooden doors online

One of the most important advantages of buying a cheap wooden door online is saving your travel costs and time. The selling price of these products is in Tida Decor online store and you, dear customers, can place your order at any time of the day or night. The next important thing is the possibility of placing an order with a custom design and model of these products, which you can send your desired design through the Iranian social network programs Rubika and Ita and ask for a price from our sales experts around the clock and in the same program. Register and track your order.

Another advantage of buying and selling cheap wooden doors online is the use of discount codes and Tida Bins, which you can refer to the home page of Tida Decor store to learn about our various discounts, which all these advantages lead to You will experience a cheaper purchase and you can use Tida bins in your future purchases. We suggest that you contact our sales experts to learn about the discounts so that they can guide you if you have any questions in these areas. The next advantage is to buy directly from the manufacturer. In online shopping, you can buy directly from the manufacturer.

The most important use of these products

One of the uses of cheap wooden doors is to use them as lobby doors, which are considered the only models for lobby doors, because villa and lobby doors are generally not standard and have unconventional and large dimensions, which is why they are the best. The choice of these products is because we can produce these products in any size. The next important application of these products is to use them as entrance doors of apartments, which are usually produced in anti-theft models, because in this situation they provide the security of the installed place easily. We suggest you visit our store to see the price of buying and selling these products.

Another use of cheap wooden doors is as interior doors of buildings, which are rarely bought and sold as interior doors due to the high price of these products, but they are the best choice in the southern regions of the country where the air is very hot. Because they are amazingly resistant to ambient heat and air, so we suggest that if you plan to buy for areas with high humidity, only buy these products, even though they have a high price, but they also have a long lifespan. they will be .

The latest models of these products

It is very difficult to choose the latest cheap wooden door model because the carpenter can design and make a new model at any time with his skills. Of course, dear customers, you don't have to worry, because you can send us the pictures of any design and model you want on social networks, and we will custom-produce your desired model for you. Please note the purchase and sale price of these products. It is completely online and up-to-date, so you can register your purchase at any time of the day or night.

To get the latest cheap wooden door model, you can search for the word wooden door in the image section of your search engine, and then you will come across many images where you can easily choose your favorite design and model. We will produce your chosen model directly. Note that our colleagues will produce your door with any material you want, but the doors that are produced with poor material are not guaranteed by Tida Decor store, and the color will not be done by us, because the cheap color will affect the final quality of our work. It will be questioned. In the end, we remind you again that the price of buying and selling these products is in Tida Decor online store.

Source :

Reference site in English

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